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Writer's pictureMichael Angelo Caruso

Be like Mark Wahlberg, octos, airline safety, patience

Updated: May 26, 2021


The new Mark Wahlberg series, Wahl Street (HBO Max trailer) is inspiring millions of folks to be better people. Of course, you'll never be good at everything like Mark seems to be. This show has something for everyone: business leaders, families, female entrepreneurs, workout enthusiasts, the pious, fashionistas, philanthropists, movie fans, and even kids.

By the way, Mark's older brother, Donnie, was in New Kids On The Block and the old Caruso Brothers band opened up for them in 1987 or so. Mark was just 16 years old at the time. Fun story in this video (at 20:00). #perspective Reaching The octopus is ready for its spotlight! "Octos" may be the smartest and the strangest of the invertebrates. The cephalopod has 500 million neurons, as many as dogs. But half of the octo's brains are in its eight arms. Learn more in the Academy Award-nominated film, My Octopus Teacher (Netflix trailer).

Improving No commercial U.S. airline has had a fatal crash since 2009, a big improvement from only a decade earlier, according to the Wall Street Journal. How did this happen? Well.... Carriers voluntarily report incidents and share that data with each other. Also, there's no punishment for airlines or aviators when mistakes are uncovered. This impressive airline safety revolution has companies in every industry thinking of how they might work better together. (Duane Johnson demos a secret to connecting with others in this blog post.) Quoting Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. -Ralph Waldo Emerson Persevering Trying to do great things can create tension between the individual and society. Great minds from Emerson (above) to Whitman (Leaves of Grass) have wrestled with this intractable issue. Know this for sure: Worry too much about being "perfect" (video below) and you'll do nothing. Do "it" now. This is your time; you will never have it again.

Vacationing Remember, success leaves tracks (video).

Thanks for being with me on this journey. Speaking of journeys, The Redhead and I leave for a Florida vacation tomorrow! _____

This content was originally published in the Friday5 newsletter. Subscribe here.)

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