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Writer's pictureMichael Angelo Caruso

And just like that, it's New Year

Well, kind of... 2021 was super challenging, even for folks who have it together. Let's just say there was a lot of hand-wringing.

Makes you wonder why so many now forgo and even denounce New Year's Resolutions. #wtf? Dodge all the drama by celebrating National Make Up Your Mind Day, which is um, today. You can handle fun "Easter Eggs" any time of year, yes? Click below...

[This content was originally shared via my Friday5 newsletter. Subscribe here.]

Gesturing No matter how bad things get, we always have opportunities to deliver kindness. Often, small gestures make big things happen. Watch as a little girl drops a coin in a street musician's hat.

Caring If you're taking care of yourself like I am, you're applying skin care products every day. The Redhead (Rene's fun Facebook group) has me on a day AND a night skin care regime. Ironically, not all FDA approved products are good for you. Use the Think Dirty app to learn which of those unpronounceable ingredients are causing you the most harm. Just scan the bar code. Pro tip: Never use just one info source to make up your mind about anything. Creating - Joan Didion passed away last week. A prolific content creator, Joan churned out books, plays and magazine articles for six decades. Her book, Let Me Tell You What I Mean, inspired me to create this video (below) on creativity. "It's easier to see the beginning of things than the endings." -Joan Didion #RIP

Collaborating My New Year's Resolution -- I'm not gonna stop benefitting from them just because others have given up -- is to do more joint ventures and collaborate more. Watch this amazing video (18 million views) and see what happens when you play well with others. Use this persuasion technique (blog article) to attract your own JVs. Viewing Are you ready to crush it in 2022? I found inspiration in the movie, In Search of Greatness (trailer), which features the success formulas of Muhammad Ali, Pele, Serene Williams, Wayne Gretsky and other exceptional athletes. Watch me get all athletic and talk about the movie by clicking on the video below or (Gotta love how the YouTube URL for this video coincidentally ends with the word, "Go".)

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Here's wishing you and yours a safe and happy New Year. Let me know how I can better serve you in 2022!

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